Paid Posts – Learn everything about them

paid posts
Jul 13, 2021

This feature isn’t exactly new, but it’s one that’s worth revisiting because of its sheer money-making potential.

As well as earning money from your monthly subscriptions, you can earn additional money by posting Paid Posts. These posts are not the regular content you’d upload anyways, but something a little bit more spicy than usual 🔥. It’s a premium piece of content that fans will have to pay extra to unlock.

What makes the best Paid Content?

Videos are generally the best option because they obviously last longer and are more interactive. So naturally, fans will feel like they’re getting more value for their money with videos rather than photos. And that’s the key to making sure that your fans keep buying your exclusive posts.

It’s also important to keep your Paid Posts exclusive making sure that you don’t share that content for free anywhere.

But posting too many Paid Posts can alienate your fans who already pay a subscription. They don’t want to pay extra every time they want to see something new from you. It’s all about balance.

But don’t overload your profile with Extra Paid Content either! You can publish 1 new Paid Post every 20 regular posts for your subscribers. That way you’re generating extra income from your premium content while making sure you post enough regular content to keep those who don’t want to pay extra, happy.

How to publish Paid Posts

Log in and create a new post

Login to your account and create a new publication by clicking the option to upload a new photo, video or album. Once there select the media you want to upload.

Once you selected which pieces of content you want to share, make sure to add a catchy title and description related to the content you’re about to upload. Don’t forget to add at least 3 hashtags.

Choose the option: Paid Post

New publications have the option Regular Post for Subscribers as default (which is the regular content you must post). So now you will to select the option “Paid Post”.

Three new options will appear:

  • For Everyone. Any fan subscribed or not will be able to purchase your extra paid publication.
  • For Subscribers. Only fans subscribed to your profile can purchase your extra paid publication.
  • For Specific People. You can select only a few fans of your choice and only they will be able to purchase your extra paid publication.

We recommend posting them by choosing the option “Paid Post – For Everyone”. This way you will have more chances of selling your paid content to a larger audience, instead of just allowing your subscribed fans to purchase it.

➡ Finally, set the price to your new Paid Content and click on POST!

Best Prices 💸

You already know how important is to keep the balance between paid posts and regular posts for your subscribers, and what kind of content works better but, what are the best prices for them?

Adding a paid publication will not automatically mean fans will purchase it and there are many different factors that can make them take the decision to purchase it or not (such as price, length of your video, quality, the context of the video, etc).

Anyways, god bless data 🤓. These are the prices with the most sales at EscortFans

  • Best prices for paid Videos. Between 10.00 € and 30.00 €. Around 50% of them are purchased at least one time.
  • Best prices for paid Photos +1 (Albums). Between 5.00 € and 15.00 €. 14% of them are purchased at least once.

If you want to read in detail the best prices for your exclusive posts, you can visit THIS BLOG POST.

That’s it, once you select what type of exclusive post you want to upload and the price you will change for it, just click on the POST PHOTO/VIDEO button and the job is done!


For quite some time now, EscortFans has been one of the only fan platforms that de-stigmatizes sex work and in fact, actively promotes and empowers its creators – who are redefining what it means to be a social media star.

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