Excited to know everything about the New Features 1º Edition? Learn everything you need to know to get the most out of them:
Freeview Posts
Freeview posts are Public Posts that can be viewed for free by everyone, they are a great way to give visitors who are previewing your profile an idea of the type of content they would enjoy if they subscribe, it’s like the ‘welcome onboard’ content you will show them, and it can be seen when they visit your profile without necessarily subscribing.
How do you create them? Go to your profile to create a new post and then choose the option “IS FREEVIEW”.

Alternatively, if you have a post that’s already published, and you want to re-release it as FREEVIEW, just go to the post and click on “Add to Freeview”. Give it a try now!

This is one feature that almost every escort on our site would be familiar with. Only the Fans who are subscribed to your profile can send you tips, and they can do so by accessing your profile via the posts you publish and private messages.
More often than not, the best way to get tips is to just simply to ask them!

Live Stream Records
This feature will be the perfect fit for you if you usually do live streams. You can publish your VODS (Video-On-Demand) and they will appear on your profile at the end of your live stream as a post, which would only be visible to you. And if you decide that you want it to be visible to all of your fans, you just have to publish it and that’s it!
This feature would be great to use for Fans who have missed a live show, so they can enjoy it later.

Content via Private Messaging
You have always been able to message your fans, but only via text messages. Like Tips, messages can only be sent to fans who are currently subscribed to your profile.
Now, when you want to send a message to a fan, you can send text, photos and videos. All you have to do is enter the chat of the fan you want to send the message to, and select the type of content.
Also, your Fans will be able to reply and send you photos and videos via private messaging. A more straightforward way to stay connected, don’t you think?
New Subscriber Welcome Message
This is the new feature that everyone has been waiting for in this New Features 1º Edition… there is nothing better than giving a nice welcome message to all the new fans who have subscribed to your profile, right? Now you can customize it directly from your profile!
Make sure that you write them something nice and thank them for following you on EscortFans, we’re sure that they would love to receive a message from you 2 hours as soon as they subscribe.
To customize your New Subscribers Welcome Message, login to your account and go to your “Profile Settings, then go down to the end where you will finally find the message box where you can customise your message. Make sure to save the changes 😉

For quite some time now, EscortFans has been one of the only fan platforms that de-stigmatizes sex work and in fact, actively promotes and empowers its creators – who are redefining what it means to be a social media star.
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