​​How to schedule your content

how to schedule your content
Mar 20, 2023

We know making sure you have content to post is a lot of work! It’s time and energy-consuming, and it can be difficult to constantly come up with new ideas in order to keep fans engaged in your content. It’s time you know ​​how to schedule your content!

It’s extremely challenging staying on schedule, especially if you have a holiday planned where you won’t be able to post. This becomes stressful and can take a toll on you mentally. This is why we thoroughly recommend scheduling your posts in advance.

In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to schedule your content on EscortFans. Along with some tips!

Do research on your scheduled content

It’s important to know what times are the best to post. Research proves that posting at optimal times gives you more exposure and enhances your engagement.

Ask yourself what content your fans are most enjoying. Which content has the most interactions? These photos or videos are a clear indication of what your fans want more of. Focus on this and you’ll have your fans smiling from ear to ear. It is, however, important to keep your content fresh and to change it up a bit here and there. 

Scheduling your content

  1. Login to your profile and click on either ‘post photo’, ‘post video’ or ‘post album’, depending on what you want to schedule. 
  1. Once the image, video or album posting window has opened, select your desired image or video. Enter the title, upload the content, and enter the description.
  1. Just below the image and video upload square, you’ll see a small box that says “Schedule post” next to it. Be sure to tick this box in order to bring up the calendar for easy scheduling.
  1. Click on the little calendar in order to select what date you’d like the post to be scheduled for. Next to the calendar, you’ll see the clock icon where you will select the time you want your post to go out. This is where you want to apply the research you did on optimal times to post content on different days of the week. 
  1. Next, you’ll include the relevant hashtags associated with the content you’re uploading. Followed by choosing if the post is for everyone, subscribers, specific people, or a paid post. Click the post button and voila, your post is scheduled!

Last thoughts

Scheduling your posts is extremely easy and helps you keep your planning organised. We truly recommend you schedule your posts to avoid stress, having to rush, or not posting regularly enough. Keep your fans engaged and waiting in anticipation by being innovative and creative with your content. 

Making a success of your profile and content is easy when you plan. Always remember, if you don’t plan, you are planning to fail. Planning is key, and we want to see you do the best you possibly can! Be sure to check out our blog on best practices for content creators.


For quite some time now, EscortFans has been one of the only fan platforms that de-stigmatizes sex work and in fact, actively promotes and empowers its creators – who are redefining what it means to be a social media star.

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