Surely you have asked yourself at least once, how to be discovered from the search page? The truth is that it’s very easy and gives you many opportunities to attract potential subscribers thanks to your content and increase the visibility of your page. Keep reading and discover what the search page is, and how to use your content strategically so that more fans find you.
All about the search page
So, what exactly is the search page for? Easy. Fans can go to the search page where they will find a variety of filters to find creator profiles based on what they are looking for, be it by subscription price, type of content, gender of the creators, specific name, etc
And why is that important to you as a content creator? Simply because you can take advantage of this page to increase the visibility of your page, sell content, or attract potential subscribers. All content published on EscortFans appears on this page, although not all content is visible, it will depend on the type of content that is published.
The search page is a great site to feature some sneak peeks about your page. Fans will be regularly looking at what’s new on there.

What to do to appear on the search page
The first thing is to make sure you meet the requirements to appear on this page. and the answer is simple: posting content!
In addition to posting clear content, your profile must be verified. You can verify your profile from your Profile Settings > Verifications > Submit the necessary documents and that’s it! You will receive a notification of the approved documents and once everything is correct. Your profile will be visible to all fans and they will be able to start subscribing, which means that you can start earning money.
So remember: verify your identity + publish content.
Search page – content types and strategies
Now we go into details, while it is true that your content will appear on the search page, not all of it will be visible to fans. This will depend on the type of content you publish, and this is where the strategy begins.
Let’s understand what kind of content you can publish and how it will be viewed by fans:
🔓 Pay To Unlock. These are extra Paid Publications, which means that the publication will be blocked and no one will be able to see it until they unlock it = purchase it for the price you set. This option also means that any fan, subscribed or not, can buy the publication (more chances of sales). When you create your content you must select the option: “Paid Content for Everyone”.
👤 Subscribe to Buy. Only subscribed fans can purchase the extra paid publications. If fans want to purchase the content, they must first subscribe to your profile and then purchase the publication to view it. When you create your content you must select the option: “Paid Content for Subscribers”.
💖 Free for Subscribers. This is content that you regularly publish for your fans, and it means that only those who are subscribed to your profile can see it. When you create your content you must select the option: “Regular Post for Subscribers”.
👀 Free to Public. In short, this is the public content that you post. This means that any fan who subscribes or does not can see it for free. It’s a great help to grab their attention and make them subscribe to your profile. When you create your content you must select the option: “Regular Post for Everyone”.

Extra tips
- Don’t overload with Paid Posts. They are of good help to earn extra money from time to time but it’s not a good idea to overload your page with them. Your page may look less attractive and make it pointless for fans to subscribe since they would have to pay extra for everything.
- Publish some Public Posts from time to time. It will help you to attract potential subscribers with your content by giving them sneak peeks of what they can enjoy if they finally subscribe to your page. These publications are of great help so take advantage of them!
- Allow the titles and descriptions of your posts to be public. Go to your Profile Settings and check the option “YES, MAKE MY TITLES AND DESCRIPTION PUBLIC”. It will help you when fans see your publications, and despite not being able to see your content because it’s only for subscribers or extra-paid, they will be able to read what it is about and get their attention to achieve a conversion (subscription or sale of content).
- Make sure you comply with this checklist so that your profile looks even more attractive.